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You’ve got to laugh

I’ve just spent two days at a Betfair senior management offsite, which included – among lengthy strategy chat and discussions about how we can keep improving employee engagement – a brief discussion on how long it might take for mobile to pass the internet as a channel.

There was some irony, therefore, to learn (as I caught up on the last day’s news) that Racing New South Wales, while deciding to allow punters to place bets via the internet while at the racecourse, has decided to introduce the following complex rules in the process: prospective online punters must first apply for authorisation from Racing NSW to carry a laptop computer on-course, which will be subject to an annual monitoring fee; and that laptop must then be dedicated for that purpose, and cannot be used for anything else, anywhere else.

Come again?

Posted in Australia, Betfair, Betting industry, Regulation.

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